When it comes to climbing, you get to see several terms that most people use interchangeably. However, in the case ...

Generally, when you mention the tag “extreme” in sports, a few automatically come to mind. And ...

While there are daredevil skiers, many people go out on the slopes just for a good time. But, a lesser percentage ...

Generally, anyone watching bungee jumping would think, “this is an amazing and action-filled sport.” ...

Before giving any sport or activity the tag of “extreme,” it has to have passed specific criterias. ...

I must say that during my first findings, it continued to baffle me how people decide to tempt fate. Like many ...

Here’s the deal with extreme sports; they are challenging and dangerous. But, even with these qualities, ...

From my mountaineering experience, I can tell you this sport is thrilling, dangerous, exciting, and filled with ...

As you would come to find, I believe that cave diving can be the most thrilling adventure of your life.  This ...

Water sports are one of the most thrilling categories of sporting activities. Kayaking, paddle boarding, scuba ...